A Guide to Place Optical Illusion Rugs in Your Home

A Guide to Place Optical Illusion Rugs in Your Home
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Are you planning to buy optical illusion rugs for your home? But, not able to find the right spot for the rug? This guide is for you – In this blog, you will learn all the elements and places that you can consider while placing the optical illusion rug. 

First, let us understand what is an optical illusion rug. An optical illusion rug is not like your ordinary rug. It is the rug that plays with your eye and creates an illusion of depth, which leads to confusion in the brain. Optical illustration rug comes in various designs to make your house an interesting place. 

Factors to Consider While Choosing the Right Spot for Optical Illusion Rugs

Room Size

The room size matters a lot when finding the perfect place to put your Optical Illusion Rugs. Therefore, while deciding the room for your rug, consider the dimensions, and color of the room, because these rugs work best when they are in the spotlight of the room. 

Select Appropriate Pattern

different patterns of optical illusion rugs

There are many different patterns for Optical Illusion Rugs, starting from geometric shapes to abstract designs. While selecting a pattern, consider the design of your room and how well the rug will stand out from your current furnishings. 

If your room is already overflowing with patterns, then you should go with a more understated style, this will help you to enhance the illusion effect without disturbing your overall decor. However, if you have a minimalist area, then you can go for geometric pattern designs. 


Optical Illusion Rugs look great when they are placed in a room that has proper lighting whether it is natural lighting or it’s due to the lamps placed in the room. Proper lighting will make the rug shine even brighter making it a star of the room. 

Foot Traffic

You should also consider the foot traffic in the room in which you have decided to place the Optical Illusion Rug. Avoid placing your rug in high foot movement space as it can tear out your rug easily. Rather, choose that space where it can be admired without being stepped on. 


If you want your Optical Illusion Rug to stand out, you should choose a background that works in combination. If the color of anime rug is bright and vivid, try to choose a floor color that is light and vice versa. 

Interior Design

It’s important to maintain a balance between your room interior and Optical Illusion Rug. To create a uniform effect, place your rug with furniture and other accessories that complement it. Try to avoid packing the area with other opposing components. 

Try Different Locations

different locations for placing optical illusion rugs

The main feature of the Optical Illustration rug is to deceive the eyes. So, you should try different locations and angles before selecting a particular place. This will help you to find out the right spot for your rug. You will be amazed by the result, and how small changes make a difference in your room. 

Popular Spot to Place Your Optical Illusion Rug

Living Room

Placing your Optical Illusion Rug in living room is also the centre point, just like in the case of our house.  You can place your rug under the table or in the middle of the seating area. In the living room, rugs can take centre points, attract attention, and initiate conversations among visitors.  

Dining Room

The Dining Room is one of the favorite places to put your Optical Illusion Rug. You can place your rug under the dining table, this will help to protect your floor from any scratch. Moreover, select a rug that works well with your dining chairs and table to create a uniform effect throughout the area. 

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Adding an Optical Illusion Rug in your bedroom gives a luxurious look. To enhance the pleasant feel of your bedroom retreat, choose calming colors and patterns. This will also provide your feet with a comfortable landing when you wake up in the morning. 

Home Office

The art of working from home has never looked better! Your home office can get style and be attractive by using an Optical Illusion Rug. The rug encourages creativity and provides a cozier atmosphere in your workplace, whether it is under your desk or in a designated sitting area.


placing optical illusion rugs in hallways

Since first impressions matter a lot, why not use your entryway to create a memorable impression? An optical illusion rug next to your entrance door can establish the mood for the entire space. Select a striking design to greet visitors with style as soon as they enter.

Corner Retreat

Any corner in your house can become a comfortable space by using an Optical Illusion Rug and a few fluffy pillows. This comfortable and cozy setting is ideal for sipping tea or spending the evening reading a good book in a shady area or a sunny area near the window. 


At last, the key to selecting the right spot for your Optical Illustration Rug is to combine harmony, balance, and touch of your style. Whether you are updating your home office, bedroom, living room, or dining room, use these ideas to make it a visually appealing and cozy area.

We at Custom Rugs, our team will work with you to customize your rugs according to your needs, style, and available area.  

For any more assistance in finding and designing the perfect rugs for your home, call us at +8613613866590

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